Daily Programme
Greeting Ring – a teacher directed time when the children share news, discuss the weather, participate in special activities and learning tasks, including small group work focusing on skill development.
Free Choice Time – The children are free to play in any of the following areas: Garden, Creative, Fantasy, Block and Cognitive. The child chooses the activity in which he wants to participate and the friends with whom he wishes to play.
Toilet Routine – teacher directed time when the child gains independence not only in toileting himself but in the mastering of his clothes e.g. buttons.
Snack – a teacher directed time whilst the children eat their nutritious, well-balanced snack.
Ring Time – a teacher directed time specifically planned for learning through singing, movement, dramatisation, the acquisition of skills and the exploration of the environment. Each group has a weekly Zulu lesson.
Free Choice Time —junior groups.
School Readiness Programme – Grade R
Toilet Routine
Story – a teacher directed time where a child learns concentration, language enrichment and to expand his knowledge and experience.
Home Time