Teacher Directed Time
During these times the child participates in group activities together with children of a similar age. The activities have been planned by the group teacher and are age related so that the children will progress to more advanced Rings and stories as they mature.
Activities are related to the current theme e.g. Animal Homes/The Builder. Each theme lasts for two weeks.
The children are also involved in a Life Skills Programme which promotes the building of a positive self concept; development of problem-solving skills; effective communication and management of conflict situations.
The pre-school children in the Grade R (Reception) class participate in a School Readiness Programme as set out in the Education Department syllabus which encourages the children to work in small groups, make decisions, complete set tasks, carry out instructions, explore pre-maths concepts, improve concentration and refine small muscle control – all of which are pre-requisites for Grade 1. Audiblox exercises, Matal activities and simple science experiments are also included in this programme.